Titus 2:3-5


While there are a variety of flowers enjoyed throughout the world, roses are one of the most familiar. Roses are known for their beauty and wonderful lasting scent. Even when a rose dies, it can be crushed and turned into potpourri and the smell will continue. Women are like roses, valuable and beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. And when a woman aligns her life with the principles of biblical womanhood, her life then offers a sweet-smelling aroma to the Lord.

The essence of a woman finds its beginning and end in the Lord. When she embraces Christ, a transformative relationship unfolds, and her spiritual sight becomes clear. This allows her to discern His guiding hand in every facet of her life’s journey. The concealed power within a woman emanates from her deep bond with Christ. Do you ever marvel at how women maintain a home, pursue a full-time career, be devoted spouses, and still find time for themselves? It is because women are intricately designed and purposefully created by God. Their worth and self-identity originate from their Heavenly Father, who proclaims them fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

In the same way, God recognized that it was not good for man to be alone, He also understands the significance of companionship for women. Women are encouraged to gather in fellowship by joining a small group, a woman’s fitness group, or meeting other Christian women at church events. Having a core group of women is critical to continuing spiritual development. As a woman embraces her true identity as defined by God, she not only enhances her awareness of her value and worth but also emanates that inner beauty to the world, thus honoring her Savior.

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Getting Started

  1. Are there any women in your life who have influenced or guided you through a difficult season of your life?
  2. What are some good and bad examples of how the culture portrays the role of women?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. Have you been operating in the Biblical definition of womanhood? If not, how can you change?
  2. Have you been spiritually mentored? How has it impacted your life?
  3. As a woman, how are you prioritizing your life as outlined in Proverbs 31?

Take the Next Step

  1. How can you practically apply what you learned about Biblical womanhood in your life today?
  2. Has God highlighted a woman for you to mentor? If so, pray and ask the Lord for specific instructions and insight to best mentor her.
  3. Let’s go deeper. Take time to look at the following passages: Genesis 2:21-23; 1 Timothy 2:9-15; 1 Corinthians 11:3-13; Proverbs 31:10-31; Numbers 27:1-8; 1 Timothy 3:11; 1 Timothy 5:11-15; Luke 13:10-17

Renew Your Mind

so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,”

Titus 2:4