Joshua 24:14-15


In a culture of chaos, men are facing a unique challenge as the many voices of the earth are drawing lines in the sand and asking men to choose: which side are you on? Just like Joshua, men today are confronting a culture filled with confusion and a lack of clarity. God is waiting on men to choose to become the kingdom men he intended them to be. Kingdom men are those who have made the decision to operate consistently under the governance of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. However, the decision alone is not enough; God wants men ready and willing to make a declaration personally, culturally and publicly.

The choice to operate under the governance of God requires a personal, clear-cut declaration. When Joshua said, “as for me,” it was a personal statement of deciding whether he will allow his choices to be defined by the culture around him or by God. It is a decision that requires men to take a stand and make a choice to stand firm. A man must choose it for himself alone; no one can make the decision for him. This kind of decision can often come at a cost and he can lose popularity, but a kingdom man is aware of the greater cost at stake.

The personal declaration Joshua made, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” extends beyond himself and into his entire household. His wife and his children must hear a kingdom man’s declaration. In Genesis 3:9, after the sin in the garden, the Lord first called Adam, the man, because he is the one whom the Lord will first hold responsible. Men have the responsibility to cover their household through the right choices they make in accordance with God’s will and God’s Word.

That declaration does not stop at a personal decision, however. It is a cultural one as well. A kingdom man recognizes that not everyone around him will be willing to walk the same path and make the choice he makes. He does not allow the ways of the world to sway his decision in terms of how he chooses to live. Regardless of race, class or culture, a kingdom man is clear in how he will make decisions. He is confident about the decisions he makes.”

In addition to a personal and a cultural declaration, a kingdom man must make a public declaration. The world needs men willing to go public with their Christian faith. In a time that is full of chaos and confusion, related to both physical and cultural pandemics impacting health, race, policing and community, the best resolution is godly men willing to embrace their God-given role.

The good news is that real commitment starts simply with the decision to draw closer to the Lord in our own personal pursuit of a relationship with Him. Every person who claims to love God needs to ask if they have decided truly to follow Jesus personally, culturally and publicly. Every man needs to know that God is looking for him to lead.

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Getting Started

  1. When thinking about the definition of kingdom men—those who have made the decision to operate consistently under the governance of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ—what part of that description strikes you the most?
  2. Considering the cultural moment that we find ourselves in, why are kingdom men so important?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. Have you truly made the personal decision and declaration to serve God? Would someone know you made this decision by the choices you make in entertainment, finances, words, demeanor and so forth?
  2. In making the personal declaration to become a man or woman of the kingdom, are you willing to make the cultural and public declarations that God is asking of you? Do you speak up on the issues that are of kingdom concern? Do the people around you know where you stand when it comes to God, or are you afraid to declare your allegiance to God?
  3. In Ezekiel 23:30, we can see the damage done by the people of God when they chose things other than God. We often think idolatry was a problem that the Israelites had as they worshipped false gods, but we too can practice idolatry by bowing down to people, places, things or ideas other than God. What are some of the idols you find yourself drawn to? What do you allow to occupy the space in your life that belongs to God alone? How do you battle against those things as they threaten to overtake your affections and allegiance?

Take the Next Step

  1. The world needs men and women who are willing to make a declaration of their commitment to Christ. Have you made a declaration in your home, culture or publicly? If so, share how you have done that with your group. If not, make the choice today, and share how you will do it with your group.
  2. A kingdom man cannot do it alone. He needs community and other men to walk alongside him in his pursuit of a relationship with the Lord and with others. If you are a man, do you have other men walking with you? Who can you ask to help you fulfill your God-given potential as a kingdom man? Take the time to call or text another man this week to walk with you.
  3. If you are a woman, what man in your life needs your encouragement to step into his God-given role as a kingdom man? How can you cheer him on as he steps into the call God has given him as a man?
  4. Want to go deeper? Take a look at the following passages: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Isaiah 3:12; Ezekiel 23:30; Joshua 24:25; and 2 Kings 18:20-22.

Renew Your Mind

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15