Thursday Fight Night Prayer Service
Virtual TXOur commitment to prayer is proof of our dependence on the Holy Spirit. At OCBF, we believe in the power of prayer. Join other prayer warriors as we pray together!Meeting...
Our commitment to prayer is proof of our dependence on the Holy Spirit. At OCBF, we believe in the power of prayer. Join other prayer warriors as we pray together!Meeting...
If you're between 18 and 40, please join our NextGen Young Adults for Friday Night Live! Meet us at 7 pm in the Education Center. Come early at 6:30 pm...
Celebrating 25 years of the Women of Courage Widows Support Group Join us as we celebrate the Women of Courage Widows Support Group and honoring our widows leader, Betty Guy,...
Your health matters! Get your free blood pressure check today. Stop by the Hospitality Room in the Worship Center after each service to get your free check.
Join us in person and online to worship and grow together! Education Center Youth Chapel Join us in person at 8 & 11 am. Meet us for service each Sunday...
Worship Center 8 am & 11 am Streaming 11 am
Our commitment to prayer is proof of our dependence on the Holy Spirit. At OCBF, we believe in the power of prayer. Join other prayer warriors as we pray together!Meeting...
Worship Center 8 am & 11 am Streaming 11 am
Our commitment to prayer is proof of our dependence on the Holy Spirit. At OCBF, we believe in the power of prayer. Join other prayer warriors as we pray together!Meeting...
Worship Center 8 am & 11 am Streaming 11 am