If you are interested in pursuing our Leadership Program, you will need to complete all the requirements of the courses listed below.  Please note potential candidates for leadership must be active Kingdom servants in a ministry and be recommended for leadership by the Associate Pastor of that Ministry Area.

BT2000: Old Testament Survey (Core) 

We will explore the major themes of each portion of the Old Testament, as well as present a picture of the chronological order of the OT. Students will be equipped with the messages of the Pentateuch, The Prophets, and the Wisdom Literature.

Required Book: Holy Bible

BT4000: Theology Overview

The course will introduce students to the major areas of theology. Students will be able to articulate the major areas and the corresponding biblical passages that support it. Additionally, students will be challenged to demonstrate their understanding of the content by developing case studies.

Required Book: Holy Bible

CL6000: Conflict Resolution: Learning to Handle Conflict God’s Way (Core Course)

Learn biblical principles of managing division and strife in your life. You will experience a life-changing experience in conflict management and building and maintaining harmonious relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and others. YOU MUST READ CHAPTER ONE BEFORE ATTENDING THE FIRST CLASS SESSION. If you are unable to read chapter one before the first class, please register for the next class.

Required Book: Holy Bible; Ken Sande, The Peacemaker. 

BT3000: New Testament Survey (Core)

This course presents an overview of the major themes of the New Testament as it relates to Jesus Christ and the early church. Students will discover the background, theology, purposes of the New Testament books, and how to apply New Testament ethics to everyday life.

Required Book: Holy Bible 

CL3000: The Kingdom Agenda (Core)

The Kingdom Agenda course will give students an exciting, in-depth biblical worldview of every area of life. The kingdom concepts presented in the course are essential to those who desire to understand and live life from God’s perspective. Students will gain an understanding of the rule of God over every area of life for the individual, family, church and community.

Required Book: Dr. Tony Evans, The Kingdom Agenda